The Origin
A Mystery
There is a hypothesis that it has an Arab origin. Others suggest it is Sephardic. Some voices claim that the Cante is pre-Roman and dates back to the Bronze Age. Or Byzantine, considering that before the division between the two Romes, Byzantium and Constantinople, the Iberian Peninsula was under Byzantine occupation. Others still believe it originates from religious chants.

What it is
The Cante
The Alentejo Cante is a genre of traditional singing in two parts, performed by amateur choral groups in southern Portugal. The repertoire consists of melodies and oral poetry (modas) and is performed without musical instruments. Cante groups can gather up to 30 singers who divide into three roles: the “ponto” starts the moda, followed by the “alto” who doubles the melody a third or tenth above, often adding ornaments. The entire choir group then joins in, singing the remaining verses in parallel thirds. The alto is the guiding voice that can be heard above the group throughout the music.
The Cultural and Social Expression of Cante
The lyrics explore traditional themes such as rural life, nature, love, motherhood, or religion, as well as themes related to the cultural and social context. The Cante is a fundamental aspect of the social life of Alentejo communities.

The living tradition
From Generation to Generation
The transmission, between the older and younger members, mainly occurs in the rehearsals of the choral groups. The Cante embodies a strong sense of identity and belonging. It reinforces dialogue between different generations, genders, and origins, thus contributing to social cohesion. It has been an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since 2014.
a comunidade
Espaço expositivo / Cooperativa
O Espaço Expositivo pretende ser uma mostra, sob várias formas, de coisas relacionadas com olival, azeitona e azeite. Assim, poderá observar para além de fotografias alusivas ao tema e, ainda, objectos utilitários e de decoração, como sejam: candeias e lamparinas de azeite, galheteiros, utensílios de laboratório, etc.
Designamo-lo de “Cooperativa” já que se espera que seja um espaço de memória do passado e presente, da comunidade, ligada à produção de azeite.

a partilha
A Mercearia
Mercearia significa uma pequena loja tradicional que vende produtos de grande consumo, sobretudo alimentos, podendo complementar a oferta com outros produtos, nomeadamente bebidas ou objetos de uso doméstico.
Na nossa Mercearia Eborim, alguns dos produtos com maior destaque são naturalmente “Os Nossos Azeites”, todos eles Azeites Virgens Extra, Alentejanos, criteriosamente escolhidos. Propomos que os nossos hóspedes e convivas se lancem à descoberta das suas características, provem e, se for caso disso, comprem-nos para com eles se deliciarem em suas casas, fazendo deles o melhor uso.